Work Title: ANGEL
Choreographed by: Jessica Lynch, in collaboration with the dancers, and inspired by oral history interviews recorded with staff and clients at the Moms Demand Action Organization.
Dancers: Sage Brody, Skylar Curtis, Alexandria Francois, Gabriela Irizarry, and Cara Lomaro
Sound: Arrangement by Jessica Lynch, including spoken word by Brenda Moss and Lynch in collaboration with dancers. Exodus, composed Raphael Xavier featuring Jestine Johnson. Vladimir’sBlues, composed by Max Richter; and including found sound from selected news media clips.
Costume Design: Jessica Lynch in collaboration with dancers
Prop Design: Jessica Lynch
Projection: Jessica Lynch
Note: Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. They work toward passing stronger gun laws and close the loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families. Moms creates a space in which survivors such as my interviewee, Angel, are able to connect their pain to a cause. Moms acknowledges that gun violence is the leading cause of death in the African American community and the second leading cause of death for children. They provide a space in which they can put their energy into making a difference in their community. This piece aims to bring awareness to these issues and ignite an emotional response that will push individuals to support this cause. I wish to acknowledge the following contributors, collaborators, participants and inspirations that helped contribute to the development of this work: Angel, Moms Demand Action, Karen Kanter, Dancers, Dr. Alessandra Williams, Dr. Jeff Friedman, and coLab Co-Founder, Dan Swern.
Work Title: Where Our Secrets Lie
Choreographed by: Jessica Lynch, in collaboration with the dancers.
Dancers: Stacia Sleight and Lara Nixon
Sound: Wild is The Wind by Nina Simone
Costume Design: Jessica Lynch in collaboration with dancers
The Following Media Projects Were Created During COVID-19
Work Title: Purity
Choreographed by: Jessica Lynch
Dancer: Jessica Lynch
Media and Video Design: Jessica Lynch
Costume Design: Jessica Lynch
Poem: Written by Merli Guerra